Driver installation (with client software)

Bulgaria, Sofia City
Published 7 months ago
ID #58
13.00 €
Driver installation (with client software)
Bulgaria, Sofia City,
Published 7 months ago


Driver installation (with client software)

Driver is a program that controls a device. Every device, whether it be a printer, disk drive, or keyboard, must have a driver program. Many drivers, such as the keyboard driver, come with the operating system. For other devices, you may need to load a new driver when you connect the device to your computer.

Device Manager displays information about all devices installed on your computer. It displays a list of devices that were either detected or for which drivers are installed. The icon for the device indicates whether the device is in proper working condition. Exclamation point on icon would mean that device is incorrectly configured.


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    13.00 €
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    Bulgaria, Sofia City